IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Helping Others

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Helping Others

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Helping Others

  • Do you usually help people around you?
  • How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends?
  • Do your parents teach you how to help others?
  • Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
  • What have you done to help the elderly?

Do you usually help people around you?

When I was young, I tended to help a lot of people to the best of my ability, whether it was assisting them with their studies, work, or even finances. However, as I grew older, I realized that I could not save the world. Sometimes, helping too many people around you can deplete your resources and time, including your own ability to seek help when needed. Unfortunately, those you’ve helped may not be there for you when you require assistance. So, nowadays, I help others less frequently. Some may label it as selfishness, but for me, it’s more about self-preservation.

How do you help people around you, such as neighbours, family and friends?

With my current mindset, my goal is not to be a burden to my neighbors and family. I ensure that there’s no noise or trash that could make my neighbors uncomfortable. Similarly, with my family, I strive to avoid being a financial burden. That’s the help I provide to them. As for friends, I’m more inclined to help because I have very few friends, and they’re the kind who never ask for money. They seek companionship, and if they encounter trouble and seek my assistance, I’m there for them. Currently, they mostly need companionship, which I deeply appreciate.

Do your parents teach you how to help others?

To be honest, my parents taught me not to help others. They held the belief that to survive, you need to be somewhat selfish. According to them, the money given to friends or other family members is money taken away from your children or yourself. So, as I mentioned earlier, when I was young, I resisted following my parents’ advice. However, over time, I came to realize the importance of their lesson. Sometimes, helping others doesn’t necessarily mean providing assistance; it can also involve encouraging self-reliance and independence. It’s somewhat contradictory, but it makes sense in its own way.

Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

My mom did provide a lot of help when I was young. However, my dad was quite stern and believed in teaching us to be self-sufficient. I learned a great deal from him, but I can’t say he directly helped me with everything. Financially, he was always there, but in other aspects, I grew up quite independent from him.

What have you done to help the elderly?

During my college years, I was actively involved in donating to the Red Cross and volunteering at elderly homes. Given my busy schedule, monetary support was the most practical way for me to help. When my parents, especially my mom, grew older and required care, I became her primary caregiver. I learned how to care for a bedridden person and maintain their well-being. Essentially, I took on the role of a caretaker for the elderly, and it was a valuable experience.

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