IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Chatting

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Chatting

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Chatting

  • Do you like chatting with friends?
  • What do you usually chat about with friends?
  • Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?
  • Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?
  • Do you argue with friends?

Do you like chatting with friends?

Often, I have brunch with my friends, and we chat, but it’s not that much. Probably for the first few minutes, we just greet each other, and then we talk about what happened that week. It’s not constant hour-long chats, just more of updating ourselves. We might talk about politics and some other people, especially if they have a problem. There’s a bit of gossip in there, but nothing too serious.

What do you usually chat about with friends?

Both of my friends were co-workers before, so our usual chat topics used to be work-related. However, when we started going our separate ways at work, we no longer talked about that. Mostly, it’s about family, how things are going, and the daily antics.

Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?

Sometimes, if it’s a reunion, it’s nice to chat with a lot of people, as you tend to get into small details and can talk to many people, which extends the conversation. But when a friend is dealing with personal struggles or problems, it’s better to have an intimate one-on-one conversation. You can pour out your heart and sorrows more easily.

Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?

Well, sometimes, social media is great, especially since people can type, and the news is just being poured out bit by bit, creating excitement with every update. However, if you want a more direct and personal exchange of information, I don’t mind having a face-to-face talk.

Do you argue with friends?

Yes, I could say we often argue a lot, however, just on the surface level. We have different political standpoints. However, we make sure it doesn’t affect our personal relationships. We might argue about certain government policies or laws, but at the end of the day, we’re still friends. It’s just a nice way to see the other side of each other, a sign of maturity or something like that.

Do you often chat with your friends?

Lately, we seldom exchange messages or chat. We understand that everyone is busy, and it can be a bit awkward to constantly check in. We send messages on certain days, and if they don’t reply, we understand that they’re likely occupied. The last time I remember us consistently chatting was during the spring festival when everyone had some time off, and there were no reasons not to communicate either through chatting or meeting face-to-face.

Do you like chatting with your friends face-to-face or on social media?

Definitely face-to-face. The laughter, physical contact, and expressions can’t be replaced by social media. However, due to busy schedules, we sometimes have no choice but to use social media. Given the chance, we would always prefer the former over the latter.

Do you like chatting with a group of friends or chatting with just one friend?

It depends on our mood. If we’re not in the mood to share personal sentiments or problems, we might opt for chatting with a group of friends. We tend to discuss random and light topics where you can just listen without contributing anything personal. However, if I have personal struggles or deep sentiments, I prefer talking to my best friend. She’s like a shoulder to cry on, and we usually discuss things in private.

Do you ever have disagreements with your friend when you are chatting?

Certainly, disagreements are part of friendships. Even if we don’t explicitly express it, there are times when we disagree. We tend to avoid altercations, and since we know each other well, we understand each other’s limits. If we reach a point where our opinions differ, we usually find a way to move on without escalating the situation.


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