IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Sparta Day 02: Answers

IELTS Speaking Sparta Day 02: Answers


On our inaugural day, the primary objective is to elevate the intensity of our Part One segment. We aim to challenge students to articulate a minimum of a hundred words within a 45-second timeframe. This exercise is designed not merely to encourage verbal output but to assess their proficiency in constructing coherent and comprehensive ideas. Emphasis is placed on the adept use of vocabulary, ensuring a diverse and nuanced expression of thoughts. Furthermore, this exercise serves as a platform for refining pronunciation skills. In essence, this marks the initial stride in the journey of IELTS Sparta, fostering fluency through a meticulous blend of linguistic prowess and effective communication.

IELTS Speaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Dreams and Ambition

1. What was your childhood dream?

When I was young, I always fantasized about being a teacher. I had this dream because I noticed that their job is excellent; people respect them, and they always seem to be in school. When I was young, that was something I liked—just imagining coming to work, doing the same thing every day, and getting paid for it. However, as I grew older, I noticed that teaching is not something I’m currently capable of. I’m not saying I cannot do it, but I have more priorities. Since I’m studying for 12 hours every day, I find that a teacher might have more time demands. As I grew older, I started to have this feeling about school that I didn’t really want to spend my life in school again. So, that was my childhood dream, and now it has changed.

2. Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?

Not always. Sometimes, dreams are just dreams. As I grow wiser, I realize that I’ve seen things that make it more illogical for me to pursue certain dreams. For example, when I was young, I understood the value of teachers. However, as I grow older, I think I could find a much better potential for my talents and skills. So, I changed my dream to something else. Moreover, considering the demands, especially since I’m an older brother, I have to make sure I can handle other responsibilities. Since my parents are business people, I align my profession with theirs. Eventually, as I grow older, I might have a different dream than what I have right now. I tend to be more flexible based on the demands and requirements from my family.

3. What is your dream job?

Right now, there are many dreams I have. I want to have my own company, I want to be happy—there’s a lot. However, I could say that my dream job is to be a better son for my mom and dad and also to become a better brother. My job is to ensure I can take care of them and be a productive member of society. The latter part, where I can enjoy traveling and earn more money, is secondary for me. But for now, I just want to be a supportive family member and help them in the future.

4. Do you think you are an ambitious person?

Unfortunately, there are times when people tell me that I lack vision. There are days when my parents say I should aim higher, and those are the days I feel upset. But there are also times when people tell me I aim too much, and I would say sorry. For me, I do feel that I’m an ambitious person. I want to achieve everything I desire in life. Despite understanding that I cannot get everything I want, I still pursue my goals. Despite the hardships, I continue pushing myself. Right now, I’m experiencing extreme fatigue, but I’m still pushing myself, which is the best testament to my ambitious nature.

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Films

1. What films do you like?

I have a variety of films that I enjoy, especially comedy. I started liking comedies in my childhood, but recently, I’ve developed a preference for British-style comedy. It’s very refreshing compared to slapstick. I’ve also found enjoyment in horror movies, although they can become monotonous after a while. However, some new movies offer a different kind of horror, focusing on suspense rather than shock value. Occasionally, I enjoy romantic movies, especially if they showcase good chemistry. Additionally, I appreciate special war movies in China that portray patriotism. It’s something nice to watch.

2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?

When I was young, my dad, a cinephile, loved watching movies all the time. We didn’t have a choice but to watch movies with him, even if we didn’t understand them. That’s when we started watching classic ’90s movies with Hollywood actors from the past. I learned a lot about that era. Eventually, I delved into war movies, particularly those about the Vietnam War, gaining insights into history. As a teen, I watched different kinds of movies with friends, exploring animated and Pixar movies, but at an early age, I did watch many adult or mature films.

3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?

I remember at 12, I was into Jet Li movies, and my parents gave me permission to go alone. Unfortunately, they told me it was for 18-year-olds when I arrived. I had no choice but to choose another movie. Even though I didn’t like it, I couldn’t just go home and admit I didn’t watch a movie. Funny enough, I wasn’t aware of how cinemas worked. About 30 minutes in, the film ended, and I thought I needed to leave. Fortunately, someone told me I could stay for the next one. That was my first time watching a movie by myself.

4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

Interestingly, in the past 20 years, I’ve only watched a movie with friends about three times. We’re not big fans of going to the cinema as a group of males. We prefer watching movies with girlfriends or female friends. The only notable time I recall going with friends was for a Marvel movie premiere, and that was a rare occasion—once every five years for the past 20 years. Since starting our own families, we haven’t watched a movie together. Perhaps we can watch one at home, but even that is a rare occurrence.

5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?

With the availability of video streaming platforms like Netflix and Bilibili, I don’t see cinemas as a good way to spend time nowadays. It involves queuing, waiting in line for expensive tickets, and mundane snacks like popcorn. It feels like daylight robbery, and the popcorn is often stale. Watching a movie on a bigger screen at home and hanging out with friends seems way better. You can bring your drinks, any food you want, and even pause the movie if needed. It’s a more enjoyable way to spend time than going to the cinema.


IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Fishing

1. Is fishing popular in your country?

Fishing varies in popularity in our country. It is popular as a job, especially since we are an archipelago. Fishing serves as a significant occupation, particularly in regions with abundant rivers and seas, like the northern areas. However, when it comes to being a hobby, I cannot accurately say, as I have spent most of my life in the city and rarely see people engaging in fishing as a pastime.

2. Do you like eating fish?

Living in an archipelago, we have a plethora of fish. Personally, I’m not a fan of fish unless it’s processed, like in a fish cake. My friend Andrew, who is from the UK, introduced me to prepared fish, such as fish and chips with salmon and pollock, and I found it quite tasty. Fresh fish, on the other hand, isn’t my preference. Moreover, I’m not into pan or crustaceans; they appear intimidating, and I seem to have skin irritation after consuming them.

3. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?

Currently, I live near the sea and have observed various fish, including catfish, tilapia, and some salmon-like white fish. Additionally, I’ve encountered aquatic places during my youth, exploring resorts that showcased various fish. Seafood restaurants, offering the option to choose a live fish for cooking, have also been a part of my experiences.

4. Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?

Version 1

Yes, being a movie enthusiast, I’ve watched numerous films featuring fish. Classics like “The Little Mermaid” and contemporary ones like “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory” are computer-generated but are still considered fish-centric. Thanks to these movies, people in my generation are familiar with basic fish names like clownfish, flounder, and dory. While there are newer fish-related movies, the classics hold a special place, with these three being the top choices among people of my generation.

Version 2

Unfortunately, growing up, I had limited TV time, and most of the shows available were educational. While I did come across a couple of shows featuring marine creatures, I can’t recall any specific titles. Since my TV time was scarce, I preferred to watch something I really enjoyed rather than focusing on educational content. I’ve learned more about fish from books, with only a few video clips providing insights. It’s uncommon to come across movies related to fish in my country, where educational content often centers around our history rather than nature, particularly marine creatures.

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Fixing Things

1. Can you fix things?

Yes, I can fix things. As a computer technician by profession, I learned to fix a variety of items, ranging from basic to intermediate. In my younger years, I started by tinkering with radios and TVs, as my father owned a hardware store, providing us with a surplus of broken items. This hands-on experience taught me to troubleshoot effectively. With proper education, I developed the skills to fix things proficiently, making a living out of it. However, due to technological advancements, the repair business became less profitable over time.

2. Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?

Growing up, I worked with various people, especially at my father’s hardware store. Observing others fix things became a norm for me. I witnessed people soldering motherboards and handling TV boxes. As I got older, I had opportunities to apply these skills. Additionally, I learned by observing neighbors, like a mechanic working on cars every Friday. Now, in my older years, I continue learning through online repair videos.

3. Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?

Absolutely, especially in today’s expensive environment. The ability to fix things not only saves money but also provides a sense of independence. Emergency situations may require immediate action, and having the skills to address issues on your own can be invaluable. It also empowers individuals to control repair costs and avoid potential exploitation by repair services charging exorbitant rates.

4. What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?

If an item holds sentimental value, I’ll keep it despite being broken. In such cases, I might buy a replacement. After exhausting troubleshooting and consulting experts, if the item has no value, I check for salvageable parts and discard the rest. Sometimes, I revisit broken items later, as was the case with a computer that took two years to fix due to unavailable parts at the time.

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Friends

1. How important are friends to you?

While I have sentimental feelings about this topic, I must say that my friends are not as crucial to me as they once were. Life experiences have led me to maintain a certain distance and not invest too deeply in personal connections. Although I enjoy their company, I’ve learned from past disappointments and regrets. Now, I treat my friends more like coworkers—respectful, yet not emotionally attached. If they drift away, I don’t feel sadness; I simply move on.

2. Do you often go out with your friends?

Due to my relocation to a distant city, I only meet my friends about once every six months. Fortunately, social media keeps us connected, and we can message in case of emergencies. As we age, our network expands to include family, co-workers, and other friends who can handle various situations. Going out with friends is no longer a frequent occurrence, as most of us are focused on advancing our careers to secure financial stability.

3. Where do you often meet each other?

In our younger years, we frequented a mall, often reminiscing about the past. However, it’s no longer our main gathering place. One person in the group usually suggests a rendezvous point, which can vary from a restaurant to someone’s house. Meeting at someone’s home has become more common, as it’s convenient for a quick catch-up without the need for an extended visit. Occasionally, we may gather for a specific event or celebration.

4. What do you usually do with your friends?

During our youth, activities revolved around hanging out, talking, and exploring the mall since finances were limited. We engaged in sports, watched TV, and assembled toy figures. As we grew older, our activities diversified, including adventurous outings, meeting new people, and occasional errands like grocery shopping together. These shared experiences have strengthened our bond over time.

5. Do you have a friend you have known for a long time?

Andrew is a friend I’ve known since 2019, and he stands out as someone with whom I’ve formed a lasting connection. We initially met as coworkers, where I was in charge and he was my subordinate. Even after he left the company, we maintained contact, gradually transitioning into a genuine friendship. Our regular brunches, visits to each other’s houses, and shared celebrations, such as birthdays, have solidified our bond. He is undoubtedly one of the great friends I’ve had in recent years.

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