IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Lost Your Way

IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Lost Your Way

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Lost Your Way

Describe an occasion when you lost your way
You should say:

  • Where you were
  • What happened
  • How you felt
  • And explain how you found your way

I have a friend, and her name is Cindy. We were excited to reunite with her after she spent three years in Canada, and she agreed to meet at the hotel where she was staying.

As far as I remember, when she called me, it was room 213, and I didn’t bother the reception as my friend had already provided the room number. It wasn’t the first time we booked that room, even though it had been three years since I had been there. Upon arriving, I knocked, but no one answered. So, I called her phone and told her that I was there already, but she said she was at the door, and I was not there. I was a bit confused about why she was saying that, so I tried to find the place, thinking I might have misread the number, but it was still the same.

To make things worse, the building had been expanded, and the familiar place was already there, but I was determined to find it. After a few minutes of confusion, my friend called me and mentioned that I might be on the wrong floor. I confidently said 213, and she corrected me, saying it was 312. It was a bit frustrating but funny at the same time. It was an honest mistake, but luckily, it was only a few minutes that I was lost, and we managed to see each other after a few minutes.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Lost Your Way

1. How can people find their way when they are lost?

When people find themselves lost, there are several ways to navigate their way back. They can retrace their steps, ask for directions from local residents, use a smartphone with GPS, or, if they are part of a group or tour, wait for someone to come and find them.

2. Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to new places?

Yes, it’s crucial to do some preparation before traveling to new places. This preparation not only helps prevent getting lost but also allows travelers to have a better understanding of local prices, avoid scams, and make informed decisions during their trip.

3. Do you think it is important to be able to read a map?

Being able to read a map is important because maps are not only for finding your way in new places but can also be essential for navigating within buildings, like finding fire exits or specific rooms.

4. Is a paper map still necessary?

While digital navigation tools are prevalent, a paper map can still be necessary, especially in situations where GPS or smartphones might not work, as they serve as a reliable backup.

5. Why do some people get lost more easily than others?

Some people get lost more easily due to a combination of factors. They might panic, making it harder to think clearly and reorient themselves. Additionally, some individuals simply have a poor sense of direction.

6. How do people react when they get lost?

When people get lost, their initial reactions can vary. Some may experience denial, blaming external factors, while others might try to reassure themselves that they are not truly lost. These are common psychological responses to a disorienting situation.

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