IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Holidays

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Holidays

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Holidays

1. Where did you go for your last holiday?

I was really swamped with school last holiday. We had two major holidays, Mid-Autumn and National Day, but my family and I decided to stay home. We were so exhausted that we didn’t have time to prepare for any trip. For those 10 days, we just relaxed at home, ordered food, and stayed in our rooms. Sometimes we went out, but nothing special. It was the best 10 days of rest because we managed to relax and disconnect from the world. It was exactly what we needed for a long time.

2. Do you like holidays? Why?

Most of the time, no, because we get a lot of school work during holidays. Instead of enjoying the break, we end up with a lot of work. So, I’ve started to dislike holidays because we know we’ll be overworked during that time. However, family gatherings are something to cherish. Having meals with family is interesting and relaxing, but most of the time, holidays are just filled with school work.

3. Which public holiday do you like best?

I would say National Day. It’s one of the longest holidays in my country, from October 1st to October 7th. People from different parts of China go back to their ancestral homes, and we get to meet our family. We also have the Spring Festival, but personally, I prefer National Day because there’s less work compared to the Spring Festival, where we have to prepare and help out a lot. During National Day, it’s more about relaxing, and there’s much less work to do.

4. What do you do on holidays?

Mostly reviewing materials, doing homework, and writing research papers. I rarely do personal things like gaming or just resting. Most of the time during holidays, we’re packed with different tasks, so we don’t really enjoy them. It’s more like additional workload.

5. Do you like to spend your day at home?

I would say yes. At the end of the day, it’s better to relax your mind and body, watch your favorite TV show, eat the food you want, and just relax. You can browse your phone for hours and appreciate the silence. Sometimes, we just want a little noise in the background without really watching anything. In my country, everyone is very busy, so a minute or an hour of idle time is a luxury.

6. Do you prefer a leisurely or a busy holiday?

I prefer a leisurely holiday because I can still appreciate some relax time. A busy holiday might be mentally and physically exhausting for me. Even a short trip is something I would appreciate more than a busy schedule during holidays.

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