IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Crowded Place

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Crowded Place

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Crowded Place

  1. Is the City where you live crowded?
  2. Is there a crowded place near where you live?
  3. Do you like crowded places?
  4. Do most people like crowded places?
  5. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

1. Is the city where you live crowded?

The reason I moved here is that in the past, the city where I used to live became quite crowded. Over time, the population kept increasing, and people started pushing and cutting lines in public transport. I found it uncomfortable, so now I live in a place with very few people. While there might be some food traffic in certain areas, it’s not uncomfortably crowded. The traffic is minimal, and since it’s still somewhat like a countryside, most people commute for work and don’t stay here during weekdays. It’s a wonderful place where you can enjoy going to restaurants without worrying about long queues.

2. Is there a crowded place near where you live?

Yes, my original hometown, especially during Fridays, experiences bumper-to-bumper traffic in specific areas. People are out shopping or going to church. In the past, I enjoyed it because there were sales and a variety of things to buy, but as I grew older, I started disliking being in crowded places. The pushing and sticky feeling, especially during the hot season with people sweating, became something I didn’t relish.

3. Do you like crowded places?

There’s a reason why some places are crowded, either due to historical significance or excellent facilities. I appreciate places that are popular, but I don’t particularly enjoy being in crowded places without a specific purpose. I’m not someone who seeks to please others, so the more people around me, the more stressed I become. I often avoid unnecessary interactions with a lot of people and prefer waiting until the crowd disperses or decreases.

4. Do most people like crowded places?

I would say there are people who don’t necessarily like crowded places all the time. They might prefer such places because of job opportunities or wealth. People are aware that a crowded place, like a capital region, has a reason for being crowded, and they are willing to go there to have a piece of the action.

5. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

Back in November, I visited [insert name of the city], the summer capital of my country. It’s a popular vacation spot, and it seemed like everyone had been there at some point, especially in the northern region. The place was crowded with tourists. I recall going to a restaurant, and the queue was quite long, around 11 to 12 meters. Even though the restaurant had three storeys, the line moved relatively quickly, but it was still a crowded experience. The market was also bustling with people shopping, something that I don’t particularly relish.

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