IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Sparta Day 01: Answers

IELTS Speaking Sparta Day 01: Answers


On our inaugural day, the primary objective is to elevate the intensity of our Part One segment. We aim to challenge students to articulate a minimum of a hundred words within a 45-second timeframe. This exercise is designed not merely to encourage verbal output but to assess their proficiency in constructing coherent and comprehensive ideas. Emphasis is placed on the adept use of vocabulary, ensuring a diverse and nuanced expression of thoughts. Furthermore, this exercise serves as a platform for refining pronunciation skills. In essence, this marks the initial stride in the journey of IELTS Sparta, fostering fluency through a meticulous blend of linguistic prowess and effective communication.

IELTS Speaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Bag

1. Do you usually carry a bag?

As a student, I have no choice but to carry a bag every day. It holds all the essentials I need for school. Since I’m still in high school and don’t have access to dedicated lockers like in college, carrying a bag is common. I prefer using a spacious backpack that allows me to store everything conveniently. Over the years, it has become a habit, and I find it more comfortable than carrying multiple items in my hands. This way, my hands are free to move, especially if I need to run or engage in a conversation.

2. Do you change your bags often?

I seldom change my bag, mainly because my mother invests in durable ones that can withstand a lot of wear and tear. I’ve been using the same bag since 2020, and it’s still in good condition. However, there have been occasions when I needed to clean it due to spills. In those cases, I temporarily switch to an older bag. The only time I consider changing is when traveling, and I need a larger bag to accommodate my study materials, laptop, tablet, and peripherals.

3. What kind of bags would you use when traveling?

For travel, I use a luggage bag to carry study materials, a laptop, a tablet, and other essentials. Since I might need extra space for souvenirs and gifts, I use a larger bag. Additionally, I carry a handbag or pouch for items like my passport and phone, ensuring I’m organized and prepared.

4. Is a bag an ideal gift?

Yes, a bag can be an ideal gift, but the cost should be considered. Quality bags can be pricey, especially if intended for multiple friends. Some might prefer luxury bags based on specific fashion preferences or brand designs. While it may not be an ideal gift for a student like me, individuals with a disposable income might find it suitable.

5. Did you use a backpack when you were a child?

Yes, using a backpack was an integral part of my elementary school life. It’s a common experience for students. There was a brief period when I had to use a trolley bag due to back pain, but I later returned to using a backpack. Some schools had specific bag requirements, but I preferred using my own bag that suited my style and carried more items.

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Chatting

1. Do you like chatting with friends?

Recently, I’ve found that I prefer hanging out with my friends rather than chatting with them. I enjoy hearing about their stories, mishaps, and antics. However, the reason I’ve been avoiding chats is that I tend to get emotional and sometimes end up sharing grievances, leading to arguments and back-and-forth disagreements. Lately, I’m not fond of the drama. While I used to enjoy chatting with friends, especially when we were far away, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more passive. I’m still open to listening to them, but engaging in lengthy conversations has become a thing of the past for me.

2. What do you usually chat about with friends?

In the past, when I enjoyed chatting with friends, we would cover a variety of topics. We reminisced about things we did a few years ago, discussed shows and online content, and shared happenings on social media. Engaging in healthy discussions and sometimes heated arguments was common. These discussions could span hours, touching on different subjects. When friends faced challenges at home or school, we’d offer comfort, share inspirational stories, or simply crack jokes to lighten the mood. However, more often than not, our conversations revolved around random topics, providing a much-needed escape from the stress of school, especially recently.

3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?

I find that chatting with one friend is much more productive, especially when seeking effective solutions. In group discussions, personal biases and judgments often come into play, and there’s a tendency to stir up controversy or make fun of others. I believe that talking with a group can be unproductive in such cases. While it might be acceptable and even preferable for more casual situations like parties, when the conversation becomes more personal or requires enforcing a particular point, I prefer talking to just one friend. In my case, my best friend has been exceptionally helpful, providing sound advice consistently.

4. Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?

I find that chatting with one friend is much more productive, especially when seeking effective solutions. In group discussions, personal biases and judgments often come into play, leading to a tendency to stir up controversy or make fun of others. I believe that group conversations can be unproductive in such cases. While chatting in a group might be acceptable and even preferable for more casual situations like parties, when the conversation becomes more personal or requires emphasizing a particular point, I prefer talking to just one friend. In my case, my best friend has been exceptionally helpful, consistently providing sound advice.

5. Do you argue with friends?

I’d say that out of five times, three times end up in an argument, but that’s pretty common among friends. We share similarities but also celebrate our differences, making sure not to hit below the belt. Occasionally, altercations happen, but at the end of the day, we manage to work things out. If there’s a risk of a physical confrontation, we steer away from it. As a group of friends, we have a mediator who senses if there’s a conflict brewing. This person intervenes to separate us, and usually, after an hour, we’re back together. Most likely, the funny thing is we’ll start having an argument again, and that’s the cycle of our friendship.

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Clothing

1. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

I would say there are only a couple of things that I like to wear. Firstly, I prefer normal shirts, either in colored or colorless styles, as they are my go-to, especially living in a warmer climate. I generally avoid thicker clothing, except during winter. Secondly, I lean towards wearing pants rather than shorts, as I feel it gives a more professional look and tends to make people take me more seriously. Occasionally, I also enjoy dressing in semi-formal to formal clothing. In fact, I have a fascination with a variety of neckties from the past. Given the opportunity, I would definitely choose to wear formal or semi-formal attire.

2. Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?

I always prioritize comfort, especially when I’m at home. However, when I have occasions like making a presentation at school, I opt for a slightly smarter look. My go-to smart outfit includes a white long-sleeve shirt for a formal appearance, paired with black slacks and leather shoes. For casual wear, I prefer denim jeans, preferably tight ones for a cool look, and occasionally rugged jeans for a bit of edge. The rest of the time, I typically stick to a shirt and hoodie. If I want to blend into the crowd or remain unrecognized, I might add a cap to maintain a more anonymous presence.

3. Do you like wearing T-shirts?

In general, I wouldn’t say that I particularly like wearing shirts; it’s more about convenience for me. Shirts are easy to launder, requiring minimal ironing, and I find them practical. I don’t wear pajamas, so a shirt serves that purpose as well. When I go out, especially for non-important occasions, I prefer black, gray, or occasionally white shirts. I lean towards simplicity, opting for small logos on the chest, and generally avoiding designs or large logos on shorts. Plain shirts are my preference, usually paired with jeans, as I tend not to wear shorts often. Wearing T-shirts with bold designs feels a bit too childish for my taste.

4. Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?

As far as I remember, I don’t spend a significant amount of time choosing my clothes. Most of my outfits are grab-and-go, and the only times I recall having to carefully select clothing were for formal occasions. On those rare occasions, it might take me around 20 minutes to find the perfect shirt and tie, ensuring a comfortable match of colors. I’ve even checked online for the best color combinations. However, now that I’ve established a routine and know what works for me, picking the right shirt, trousers, and, of course, black leather shoes has become much easier. It’s a simple process, and with the classic black shoes, it seems to match effortlessly, even with jeans. After that, it’s a quick process, and I’m ready to go out and make a good impression.

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Concentration

1. Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?
When I was young, I remember having numerous instances where my teachers were curious about my lack of attention in class. There were several reasons for this. First and foremost, I often skipped breakfast, so by around 10:00, hunger would take over, making it difficult for me to comprehend what the teacher was saying. Additionally, there were times when I found myself distracted by various things happening outside the classroom or my friends engaging in random and crazy activities, diverting my attention away from the lesson. Being seated at the back added to the challenge. In a class of around 50 students, despite my attempts to focus, it was hard for anyone to notice me at the back. It was indeed a struggle to concentrate back then.
2 Are you a focused person?
I must admit that I struggle to stay consistently focused. While there are moments when I can be laser-focused on certain tasks, even a small message from a friend or a long message asking for a favor can divert my attention for two to three hours. There have been instances where I forgot to eat; once, I was so engrossed in work that I skipped breakfast and lunch, only realizing it around 5:00 PM, which made me sick. The ability to concentrate varies for me, and there was even a time when I got hooked on a video game, playing for 48 hours straight and neglecting meals. It’s a bit unpredictable.
3. How do you stay focused?
I’ve read a lot online and tried various tricks, from simple strategies like turning off my phone to practicing meditation. While these methods sometimes work, there are instances when they don’t. One crucial step I make sure to take is to get enough rest before tackling a task. If I only have a short amount of rest, my brain tends to convince me to take a nap, leading to procrastination. To avoid this, I make a conscious effort not to touch my phone during this time, as it’s a significant source of distraction. This can be challenging, especially since a substantial part of my studies involves using my phone. Additionally, I ensure I stay hydrated with highly caffeinated tea, coffee, or soda, as I find that caffeine helps me stay focused to some extent.
4. Is it easy to Stay focused in a noisy environment?
Presently, dealing with noise is a challenge for me. I tend to follow certain patterns when I hear specific sounds. For instance, there was a time when there were a lot of chickens in our town, and when I heard them, I found myself counting how frequent the noise occurred, focusing more on its frequency rather than the task at hand. Another type of noise that distracts me is the sound of a child. In the past, when a child was crying, I would be more concerned about the child’s well-being than the task I was working on, leading to a loss of concentration. Additionally, there are certain noises, even if they are pleasant, like loud music or songs, that can be distracting. Unless I have noise-canceling headphones, staying focused in such situations can be quite challenging.

IELTS Speaking Sparta Part 1 – Day off

1. When was the last time you had a few days off?

The last couple of weeks have been pretty regular for me; however, the most memorable time was back in September. Around September 29th, during the mid-autumn festival, we had a long weekend that extended to three days. Following that, October 1st was a national holiday, giving us an additional five days off. This made it one of the longest holidays this year. My family and I decided to take advantage of this break and travel. What made it even more interesting was that it turned into an 8-day holiday, with no school. It had been a long time since I had a week without thinking about school. Despite having projects, we managed to finish everything before the long vacation. I must say that once we returned, although there were some adjustments, we started fresh and energized. The 8-day long vacation played a significant role in that.

2. What do you usually do when you have days off?

The majority of my day off is usually spent studying and focusing on academic tasks, including homework. Whenever I can, I also pitch in to help my mother with household chores, often doing these activities in my bed. If there’s some extra time available, I try to spend it with my friends, playing basketball or hanging out for a couple of hours. This window of time is relatively small, so we aim to squeeze in various activities like watching TV, playing sports, and just enjoying each other’s company. It’s a precious moment that we make sure to take advantage of, especially during the limited timeframe of Saturday and Sunday when we also have to study.

3. Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?

Since my friends are also students, we don’t get to hang out much during the week. Most of my time is spent with my parents, especially my mom. She’s the one who’s always there with me when it comes to studying, and checking on my progress. While I may not always enjoy it, I understand that my mom pushes me to study harder, and I appreciate her sentiments. However, I do miss my friends during these times. Throughout this year, I’ve only had a few opportunities to catch up with them on weekends, and most of my time has been spent at school. I hope that the effort I’m putting into my studies now will pay off as a good investment for my future.

4. What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?

Tomorrow is Thursday for me and I still have school on Friday, so my routine would likely remain the same. Maybe I’ll squeeze in an afternoon nap, which is always refreshing. I might watch TV for an hour or so, and possibly take the opportunity to check something online. However, my main focus is on studying, so regardless of whether there’s school the next day, I’ll spend my day at home, engaging in tasks related to my studies. But by Friday, I’ll be back to school, looking forward to a bit of a breather over the weekend.

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