IELTS Rizz – Vocabulary Day 03
IELTS Vocabulary – Lesson Day 03
IELTS Vocabulary in story
In a quaint town full of disparate characters, there existed an ineffable conundrum. The air was filled with the ubiquitous scent of copious flowers, which seemed to both debilitate and invigorate the senses. The townsfolk often espoused paradoxical views, making it challenging to delineate the true essence of their beliefs. Amidst this verbose exchange of ideas, a wise elder sought to corroborate the nuance within their discussions, hoping to bring a sense of harmony to the community.
Simplified Version using day-to-day vocabulary
In a small town with a mix of different folks, there was a puzzling situation that nobody could quite explain. The air was filled with lots of flowers, making it both overpowering and refreshing. People in the town had conflicting views, and it was hard to figure out what they really believed. In the midst of all the talk, an older person tried to find common ground in their discussions, hoping to bring some peace to the community.
IELTS Rizz – Vocabulary Day 03 – Details
1. Conundrum:
– Pronunciation: kuh-nuhn-druhm
– Etymology: Originates from the Latin word “conundrum,” meaning a riddle or puzzle.
– Usage: Often used to describe a confusing or difficult problem or question.
– Word Family: Conundrums (Noun), Conundrummed (Adjective), Conundrumming (Verb)
– Examples:
– Solving the conundrum of the missing keys took some time.
– The political situation posed a conundrum for the citizens.
– His mysterious disappearance became a conundrum for investigators.
2. Copious:
– Pronunciation: koh-pee-uhs
– Etymology: Derives from the Latin word “copiosus,” meaning abundant or plentiful.
– Usage: Used to describe a large quantity of something.
– Word Family: Copiously (Adverb), Copiousness (Noun)
– Examples:
– She took copious notes during the lecture.
– The garden was filled with copious blooms in spring.
– The chef added copious amounts of herbs to enhance the flavor.
3. Corroborate:
– Pronunciation: kuh-rob-uh-reyt
– Etymology: Comes from the Latin word “corroborare,” meaning to strengthen or confirm.
– Usage: Often used to indicate the confirmation or support of a statement or fact.
– Word Family: Corroborative (Adjective), Corroboration (Noun)
– Examples:
– The witness was able to corroborate the defendant’s alibi.
– Research findings corroborated the hypothesis.
– Multiple sources were needed to corroborate the historical account.
4. Debilitate:
– Pronunciation: dih-bil-i-teyt
– Etymology: Originates from the Latin word “debilitare,” meaning to weaken.
– Usage: Used to describe the process of making someone or something physically or mentally weak.
– Word Family: Debilitated (Adjective), Debilitating (Verb)
– Examples:
– The illness debilitated his strength and energy.
– Long hours of work can debilitate a person over time.
– The economic crisis debilitated the country’s infrastructure.
5. Delineate:
– Pronunciation: dih-lin-ee-eyt
– Etymology: Comes from the Latin word “delineare,” meaning to sketch or portray.
– Usage: Used to describe the act of outlining or describing something in detail.
– Word Family: Delineation (Noun), Delineated (Adjective)
– Examples:
– The artist meticulously delineated every detail of the landscape.
– The report clearly delineated the steps for project completion.
– The speaker attempted to delineate the key points of the argument.
6. Disparate:
– Pronunciation: dih-spar-it
– Etymology: Originates from the Latin word “disparatus,” meaning separated or distinct.
– Usage: Used to describe things that are fundamentally different or unrelated.
– Word Family: Disparity (Noun), Disparately (Adverb)
– Examples:
– The team was a disparate group of individuals with varied skills.
– The policy aimed to address the disparate impact on different communities.
– Their opinions were disparate, making it challenging to reach a consensus.
7. Ineffable:
– Pronunciation: in-ef-uh-buhl
– Etymology: Comes from the Latin word “ineffabilis,” meaning too great or extreme to be expressed in words.
– Usage: Used to describe something that is too extraordinary or overwhelming to be described.
– Word Family: Ineffably (Adverb)
– Examples:
– The beauty of the sunset was ineffable, leaving everyone in awe.
– The experience was ineffable, defying adequate description.
– There was an ineffable joy in their reunion after years apart.
8. Paradoxical:
– Pronunciation: puh-rad-ok-si-kuhl
– Etymology: Derives from the Greek word “paradoxos,” meaning contrary to expectation or belief.
– Usage: Used to describe a statement or situation that appears contradictory but may be true.
– Word Family: Paradox (Noun), Paradoxically (Adverb)
– Examples:
– The concept of time travel is paradoxical and challenges our understanding.
– It’s paradoxical that simplicity can sometimes lead to complexity.
– The paradoxical nature of the situation became evident over time.
9. Espouse:
– Pronunciation: ih-spouz
– Etymology: Comes from the Old French word “espouser,” meaning to marry or support.
– Usage: Used to describe the act of adopting or supporting a belief, cause, or idea.
– Word Family: Espousal (Noun), Espouser (Agent Noun)
– Examples:
– She chose to espouse the values of equality and justice.
– The politician was known for espousing environmental sustainability.
– Many artists espouse the idea that creativity knows no bounds.
10. Nuance:
– Pronunciation: noo-ahns
– Etymology: Originates from the Middle French word “nuer,” meaning to shade or cloud.
– Usage: Refers to a subtle difference or distinction in meaning, expression, or understanding.
– Word Family: Nuanced (Adjective), Nuancedly (Adverb)
– Examples:
– The author’s writing is known for its nuance and depth.
– There is a nuance in the tone that suggests uncertainty.
– Understanding the nuance of the argument is crucial for accurate interpretation.
11. Ubiquity:
– Pronunciation: yoo-bi-kwuh-tee
– Etymology: Derives from the Latin word “ubique,” meaning everywhere.
– Usage: Refers to the state of being present, or seeming to be present, everywhere at the same time.
– Word Family: Ubiquitous (Adjective)
– Examples:
– The ubiquity of smartphones has transformed communication.
– The artist achieved ubiquity with their work appearing in various galleries.
– Social media’s ubiquity has changed how information is disseminated.
12. Verbose:
– Pronunciation: ver-bohs
– Etymology: Originates from the Latin word “verbosus,” meaning full of words.
– Usage: Describes someone who uses more words than necessary or who is overly wordy.
– Word Family: Verbosity (Noun), Verbosely (Adverb)
– Examples:
– The professor’s verbose explanations made the lecture challenging to follow.
– A concise report is often more effective than a verbose one.
– His verbose style of writing tended to obscure the main points.
IELTS Vocabulary : Idiomatic Expressions and Phrasal Verbs
1. A penny for your thoughts:
– Meaning: Asking someone what they are thinking or feeling.
– Examples:
– “You seem lost in thought, a penny for your thoughts?”
– “You look deep in contemplation, so, what’s on your mind? A penny for your thoughts!”
– “You’ve been quiet, care to share? A penny for your thoughts?”
2. In the blink of an eye:
– Meaning: Something happening very quickly or suddenly.
– Examples:
– “It all changed in the blink of an eye; I couldn’t believe how fast it happened.”
– “She disappeared in the blink of an eye; it was like magic.”
– “Life can take unexpected turns in the blink of an eye.”
3. Kick the bucket:
– Meaning: To die.
– Examples:
– “I hope to travel the world before I kick the bucket.”
– “He’s not planning to kick the bucket anytime soon; he’s in great health.”
– “They say you should live your life to the fullest before you kick the bucket.”
4. Let the cat out of the bag:
– Meaning: Reveal a secret or disclose something that was supposed to be kept confidential.
– Examples:
– “Don’t let the cat out of the bag, it’s supposed to be a surprise!”
– “I almost let the cat out of the bag about the party when I accidentally mentioned it.”
– “We can’t let the cat out of the bag until the official announcement.”
5. Miss the boat:
– Meaning: To miss an opportunity.
– Examples:
– “I didn’t invest in that stock, and now it’s booming. I really missed the boat on that one.”
– “She missed the boat by not applying for the scholarship on time.”
– “You shouldn’t miss the boat; this is a chance of a lifetime.”
6. Show up:
– Meaning: To appear or arrive, especially at a social event.
– Examples:
– “I wasn’t sure if he would show up, but there he is!”
– “I told them I’d show up around 7 PM.”
– “Don’t worry; I’ll show up at the party before it ends.”
7. Point out:
– Meaning: To indicate or draw attention to something.
– Examples:
– “Can you point out where the nearest coffee shop is on the map?”
– “She always points out the best places to eat in the city.”
– “I wanted to point out that mistake before the meeting concluded.”
8. Call off:
– Meaning: To cancel or abandon plans.
– Examples:
– “Due to the rain, they had to call off the outdoor event.”
– “Let’s call off the meeting; it seems everyone is too busy.”
– “I had to call off my trip because of unexpected work commitments.”
9. Turn up:
– Meaning: To arrive or appear, often unexpectedly.
– Examples:
– “I didn’t expect him to turn up at the party, but there he was.”
– “She always manages to turn up when you least expect it.”
– “If you wait long enough, something interesting will turn up.”
10. Put off:
– Meaning: To postpone or delay.
– Examples:
– “Let’s put off the meeting until everyone is available.”
– “I had to put off my vacation due to unforeseen circumstances.”
– “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”
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Ian Tanpiuco – Virtual Assistant, Educatorian, and IELTS Rizz Tutor. Ian’s goal is to enhance his students’ IELTS scores through a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on understanding rather than mere memorization.