IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Neighbors

IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Neighbors

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Neighbors

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people

You should say:

  • What it was
  • Who you did it with
  • How long it took you to do this
  • And explain why you did it together

It’s been almost a decade since my boss from the US asked me and other people to create software. The team was scattered across different countries. I was in Clark, the Philippines, while another person was in Makati. There were also two people in Mumbai, India. The project spanned a year and was divided into various categories: research, development, and product launch. The reason behind this project was the requirement imposed on my boss by his superior. Since our team was located in different parts of the world, he chose us because we were used to working together and belonged to the same agency, making it easy for him to compensate us. The entire project took almost a year to complete.

During the first three months, we worked together, conducting weekly calls. This posed a challenge due to the different time zones between India, the Philippines, and the US. For instance, during that time, we had a 2:00 a.m. call from Texas, which was around 10:00 boss. In India, it was around 10:00 p.m. Despite the difficulties, we persevered. I remember working with a colleague from India, and sometimes we even extended our work to Saturdays because we were not proficient in project management. Although our group lacked cooperation, we had to work together, considering the lucrative pay.

Eventually, we completed the research phase and moved on to development. The most crucial part was the product launch. I recall having a phone line open for 10 hours, allowing us to solve problems promptly via IP calls. This was vital for our boss.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Things to do with others

How do you get along with your neighbors?

Actually, no, because we barely know each other. Both of us are busy, so we never really had the chance to get along or have a proper conversation. We know each other by name, but we haven’t talked for more than five minutes. I’ve been living here for almost two decades, and if you add up all the time we’ve spent together, it’s only around 10 minutes. However, we try to ensure that we don’t inconvenience each other. We avoid making excessive noise or cooking strong-smelling food. Despite not having a close relationship, we manage to remain civil.

How do neighbors help each other?

Recently, the way we assist each other is simply by not causing problems. In the past, there were many ways in which we could help each other, such as participating in household chores, taking care of babies, or maintaining the house. However, nowadays, many people prefer to keep to themselves and avoid causing disturbances. For instance, in my neighborhood, people refrain from making excessive noise at night, particularly by cooking dishes that emit strong aromas that permeate the entire area. Additionally, it is important to avoid loitering and littering. These are some of the easiest ways to support each other.

Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city?

I live both in the countryside and in the city, and I can say that the sense of camaraderie among people in the countryside is more pronounced compared to those in the city. Unlike in the city, where everyone seems busy with their 8-to-5 jobs or even longer, people in the countryside tend to live far apart from each other. Therefore, when they gather, they muster all the help they would need. You would notice that individuals willingly assist others in basic tasks like planting or sorting out their gardens.

How do children learn to cooperate with each other?

Children learn to cooperate, especially when they have siblings, but I believe they are more inclined to do so when they have a common goal. For instance, in activities at kindergarten, teachers allow them to play or engage in specific tasks in groups. At home, children usually learn cooperation by playing with other kids, which is why it’s crucial for them to learn how to interact with others from an early age. Cooperation becomes a natural part of the game. For example, when playing basketball at a young age, children learn the importance of being part of a team rather than just shooting the ball. They need to consider the other players as well. This is how children develop their cooperative skills.

Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others? How?

Yes, as a parent myself, I believe it’s important for children to learn how to cooperate. While sports can be one way for children to develop cooperation skills, it’s not the only avenue. Parents should encourage their children to participate in various activities, regardless of their specific interests, as the fundamental essence of cooperation can be found in any kind of game or group interaction.

By providing children with ample opportunities to spend time with others in a group setting, they are more likely to encounter situations where one person initiates an action and others join in to help. This act of helping and working together forms the basis of cooperation among children.

Do you think it’s important for children to learn about cooperation?

Cooperation is indeed crucial for children’s development, as it plays a significant role in their social and communication skills. Growing up without siblings can present challenges in learning to cooperate, as there may not be anyone besides parents to interact with regularly. However, if children have playmates or cousins, they are more likely to develop better social skills compared to those who don’t have such interactions.

The more children engage in cooperation, the more skills they acquire, and they become more adept at articulating their thoughts and communicating with others, especially their peers. This early exposure to interacting with a variety of children during childhood can contribute to their ability to become leaders within a group or to effectively express themselves and communicate with others.

Cooperation during childhood is particularly important because it prepares children for situations they will encounter as they grow older. Personally, not having had much exposure to cooperation during my own childhood, I now find it challenging to effectively cooperate and may sometimes come across as rude when seeking help. If I had the opportunity to learn and practice cooperation from a younger age, it would have greatly benefited my career decisions and interactions with others.


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