IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Good News

IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Good News

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Good News

Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well
You should say:

  • What it was
  • When you heard it
  • How you knew it
  • And explain how you felt about it

So there’s this classmate of ours, {insert name}, whom I’ve known since primary school. We have this group chat where we keep each other updated. A few months ago, she shared with us that she had found some lumps on her breasts. Needless to say, she was really scared because there was a history of cancer in her extended family. She’s just 13, so it was a really tough situation.

Recently, she got herself checked out by a professional doctor in a top cancer institution, and the good news is that the lumps turned out to be benign! It was a huge relief for her and for all of us. She shared this positive update in the group chat, and personally, I felt such relief. Seeing someone, especially at her age, having to deal with the possibility of cancer is really tough. It could have impacted her studies and her family’s life in a big way.

Now that they know it’s benign, it’s such a relief. She won’t need extensive therapy, just minor surgery. Still, it’s so much better than dealing with cancer. It’s definitely something to celebrate as good news.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Good News

1. Is sharing something on social media a good idea?

Especially in this generation, I believe it may not always be wise to share everything on social media. Sharing personal details can make you vulnerable, allowing others to track your achievements and even manipulate your images and words through AI. As technology advances, the potential risks of sharing personal information online have become more concerning, making it sometimes advisable to be cautious about what you post.

2. Should the media exclusively publish positive news?

I believe the media should aim for objectivity, presenting information as accurately as possible. The distinction between good and bad news is often subjective and dependent on individual perspectives. While some news may be perceived as negative, such as reports on calamities or crimes, it’s crucial for the media to provide the public with a comprehensive view of events, allowing individuals to form their own opinions based on the information presented.

3. How does social media assist in accessing information?

Social media has revolutionized information access by providing a multifaceted view of various topics. Instead of receiving raw data, individuals now encounter diverse opinions, debates, debunkers, and supporters through social media platforms. This complexity adds depth to the interpretation of information, enabling users to understand how others perceive and justify it.

4. What types of positive news are commonly shared within communities?

In communities, positive news often revolves around achievements. These accomplishments can range from personal milestones to broader success stories. For instance, stories of individuals rising from humble beginnings to achieve success serve as sources of inspiration and motivation within communities, making them a common subject of positive news.

5. Do people typically enjoy sharing positive news with others?

Yes, in general, many people tend to share positive news with others. However, it’s important to exercise caution, as excessive excitement might lead to the unintentional disclosure of sensitive information. While the impulse to share good news is strong, it’s advisable to strike a balance between sharing and maintaining personal boundaries.

6. Do individuals prefer receiving positive news from their friends?

Certainly, friends often appreciate hearing positive news from each other. Nevertheless, the dynamics can be nuanced. While most people enjoy celebrating their friends’ achievements, situations might arise where jealousy or comparison comes into play.

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