IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Things are Expensive

IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Things are Expensive

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a place you have been to where things are expensive

You should say:

  • Where the place is
  • What the place is like
  • Why you went there
  • What you bought there
  • And explain why you think things are expensive there

Version 1

My family and I have traveled to various countries, but we found Singapore to be notably expensive. We decided to visit one of their renowned amusement parks and a few other places. While cost isn’t a concern for us, we observed significant price differences. For instance, when we visited the same theme park in Japan, it cost around $350. However, during the same season in Singapore, it was about $500. This price increase was quite surprising.

Prices outside of the park in Singapore were also high compared to other countries we’ve visited. In China, for example, a bottle of water might cost $2, whereas in Singapore, it could be as much as $8. It felt like we were being overcharged. However, I understand that Singapore is a small country with high taxes, which contributes to the increased costs. They impose higher taxes on tourists and goods due to the lack of natural resources, unlike countries such as China.

Additionally, we noticed that hotel rates were higher in Singapore. A standard room there cost almost as much as a luxury or executive room elsewhere. Unfortunately, when my charger went missing, I had to buy a generic replacement, which cost twice as much.

Upon arrival in Singapore, we also found that food prices were at least double or triple what we were used to, including parking fees. Overall, Singapore proved to be quite expensive compared to our experiences in other countries.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Describe a place you have been to where things are expensive

1. Why do some people still use cash?

Although most people in China use digital currency like WeChat or Alipay, some still use cash, particularly in rural or impoverished areas. However, even in these areas, digital currency usage is increasing. In other countries, digital currency is not yet the norm, and some people prefer tangible ways of handling their wealth. They are not comfortable with digital currency because they grew up in an environment where they could physically hold their money. This makes it hard for them to trust a phone or a bank to handle all their expenditures and savings. That’s why some people, especially outside China, still use cash.

2. Will payment be paperless in the future?

Many companies are moving towards paperless transactions, and this trend is likely to continue. However, some smaller companies still prefer paper-based payments because they lack the technology to manage their accounting digitally. Small vendors and business owners might still use paper for transactions in the future.

3. What do you think of the view that time is as important as money?

I agree that time is more important than money. When you spend time, you sacrifice something else. For example, a father working for eight hours misses spending time with his children. Regardless of how much money he earns, the time he doesn’t spend with his family is a significant sacrifice. People often realize this on their deathbeds, where they value time over money. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time.

4. Is it more important to choose a job with a high salary or more time off?

I believe it’s better to have a higher salary than more time off. With a higher salary, you can enjoy your time off more, even if it’s limited. You can afford vacations and a better lifestyle. However, if you can find a job that offers both a high salary and more time off, that would be ideal.

5. How important is it to have a variety of payment options?

From a business perspective, having a variety of payment options can generate more profit. Initially, payment methods like WeChat Pay or Alipay weren’t common in the US, but as merchants recognized the potential to grow their business, they started accepting these payment methods. This attracted more customers who preferred these options. Similarly, stores that only accept cash will only attract customers who use cash, but offering multiple payment options can increase customer traffic.

6. Why are things more expensive in some places than in others?

The cost of doing business varies by location. For example, running a business in Beijing or Shanghai is more expensive due to higher labor and rent costs compared to rural areas. Business owners need to cover these higher expenses, so they charge more for their products. Premium real estate locations tend to charge more, leading to higher prices for the same products compared to less expensive locations.

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