IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Incorrect Information

IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Incorrect Information

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Incorrect Information

Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

You should say:

  • When you get it
  • How you got it
  • How you found it was incorrect
  • And how you felt about it

A few weeks ago, I had an interview with a school in Canada. They scheduled it for 2 PM on a Friday. I received the invite and confirmed my availability.

On the day of the interview, I logged into the virtual meeting platform about 10 minutes before the scheduled time. However, as time passed, no one showed up for the interview. It was a bit confusing and frustrating.

I decided to have my mom call the school to inquire about the situation. After a few minutes, they explained that there had been a misunderstanding. They assumed that I was already in Canada and didn’t inquire about the time zone difference. In reality, the interview was set for 2 PM in Toronto, which translated to 2 AM on Saturday in my local time zone.

Realizing the mistake, I had to log back in around 1:50 AM to finally have the interview. Fortunately, the incorrect information wasn’t too critical in this case, and I was the only one affected by it. I felt relieved that the error didn’t have more serious consequences.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Incorrect Information

Why do some people not trust information on the Internet?

Some people are skeptical of information on the Internet because of the prevalence of fake websites that mimic legitimate ones, the spread of fake news, and the risk of falling victim to online fraud.

What jobs provide information to others?

Jobs that provide information to others include financial advisers, who offer guidance on investments and financial planning; stock market analysts, who provide insights on market trends and stock performance; and meteorologists, who offer weather forecasts and updates.

What’s the difference between email and phone in terms of providing information?

Email and phone have different characteristics when it comes to providing information. Email provides a digital paper trail, making it easy to reference and store information. Phone communication, on the other hand, is quick but less secure, as conversations can potentially be overheard.

Which do you think is the better way to provide information, by phone or by email?

Email is often considered a better way to provide information for several reasons. It allows for the storage of information, which can be easily organized and accessed. Additionally, emails can be saved in the cloud, reducing the risk of data loss compared to phone calls, which are more transient and can be compromised.

How do people determine the accuracy of information?

People determine the accuracy of information by double-checking facts and sources, assessing the credibility of the provider, and comparing the information with other reliable sources. Critical thinking and fact-checking are key in verifying the accuracy of information.

How do people make sure they’re getting the right information?

To ensure they are getting the right information, people often cross-reference the data with multiple sources, recheck the information from the beginning, and consider the reputation and expertise of the sources they rely on. This diligent approach helps minimize the chances of relying on incorrect or misleading information.

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Please visit the website Educatorian to find suggested answers for IELTS speaking questions. Additionally, I recommend checking out Ian’s personal website for further information.