IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Helps Others

IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : Helps Others

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Helps Others

Describe someone in your area who often helps others

You should say:

  • What he/she is like
  • How he/she helps others
  • Why his/her help is beneficial
  • And explain why he/she helps others

Version 1

His name is John, and he’s the caretaker of the building where we reside. John takes on a multitude of responsibilities, ensuring our living environment remains comfortable and well-maintained. Despite his age, he exhibits remarkable strength and dedication in his role.

Although it’s not part of his official duties, John is deeply concerned about our well-being. If he notices any of us have been unusually reclusive, he’s quick to inquire if there might be an issue we need help with. John extends his kindness to newcomers, offering them guidance and assistance as they settle into the building.

To us, he’s more than just a caretaker; he’s like a grandfather figure, especially supportive of those who are new to the neighborhood. In instances where we miss our food deliveries, John goes the extra mile by ensuring we receive our meals promptly.

As far as I know, John is a widower, and his children have moved abroad. While he possesses the means to retire, he chooses to continue working. His presence is truly invaluable, as he generously shares cautionary tales and life stories that impart valuable life lessons. John’s dedication and wisdom enrich our lives in ways that words can’t fully express.

Version 2

His name is Mark, and he’s one of the most generous and kind people I’ve ever met. I first encountered him back in high school when he was my seatmate. Physically, he’s quite tall and has a handsome appearance, but what truly stands out is his kind persona. Throughout my time knowing him, he consistently helped fellow students and even teachers with their classes, setting him apart from others.

Mark is particularly known for assisting those who are struggling academically. His willingness to help is beneficial because students feel more comfortable approaching him rather than their teachers. This creates a supportive environment where they can freely express their concerns about the subjects they find challenging. Mark never says no to anyone seeking academic help and actively participates in various school activities. His involvement extends beyond the academic realm, as he readily assists teachers with favors and tasks.

Even now, Mark continues to exhibit the same level of dedication to helping others. He remains an active participant in the community, leveraging both his charisma and past experiences to encourage people to join various causes. His social media reflects his commitment, with many posts centered around community projects and initiatives. Whether it’s cleaning up the community or engaging in charity work through volunteering or monetary donations, Mark continues to be a remarkable and admirable individual.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Helps Others

How can children help their parents at home?

  • The simplest way is for children to assist with household chores, such as making their beds and doing the dishes—tasks that are within a child’s capability. Additionally, teaching children to be self-sufficient and not become a burden is crucial. In many families today, both parents work, so having children who are less demanding at home allows parents to come home and relax. This, in itself, is a significant help.
  • Children can greatly assist their parents at home by engaging in simple household chores, such as fixing their beds and completing homework without constant reminders. Being punctual and adhering to a schedule reduces the burden on parents who work tirelessly. As children grow older, they can take on more responsibilities, like preparing meals, though younger children may initially avoid the kitchen.

Should children be taught to help others?

  • There’s a saying that goes, “Nobody is an island,” which means we should understand how to assist others and be open to receiving help when needed. If children fail to grasp this concept, as they grow older, they may come across as antisocial, and it could be challenging for them to thrive in their community. Therefore, it’s essential to instill in them, from an early age, the importance of this exchange of help and support.
  • Yes, children should be taught and encouraged to help others. Parents play a crucial role in demonstrating through their own actions how to extend help. By setting examples, parents instill in their children a sense of responsibility and an understanding of the impact their assistance can have on others, both at home and in the wider community.

What makes children help each other at school?

  • First, let’s talk about group projects. These are valuable opportunities for children to learn how to collaborate on a shared idea or task. Working together allows them to accomplish specific goals as a team. Additionally, in school, participating in group sports is another way for children to help each other in achieving a common goal, which is to win the game.
  • Activities involving groups, such as group projects and sports, encourage children to collaborate and compete in a team setting. Early exposure to such experiences allows children to develop valuable teamwork skills, setting a foundation for future success in group dynamics. Regular participation in sports or group projects helps children flourish in a collaborative environment.

Should students do community service? Why?

  • Yes, it should be mandated as it helps children become more aware of the current situation in their community. For instance, by participating in activities like maintaining the cleanliness of their area, they learn how to dispose of trash properly. Moreover, these experiences provide valuable practical skills that can be added to their resumes when they enter the workforce.
  • Yes, community service is often mandatory, providing students with an understanding of the challenges communities face. Many community service projects address issues like garbage disposal, fostering awareness about environmental concerns. This hands-on experience helps students recognize the impact of their actions, promoting responsible citizenship and environmental stewardship.

Do students in your country do volunteer work?

  • Yes, it’s an integral part of our curriculum, and often these activities take place outside the classroom on weekends. Sometimes, it can be challenging to manage, especially when we have to prepare for exams, and there’s a conflict with community service commitments. Nevertheless, it’s a mandatory part of our school program in China.
  • In my country, volunteer work is not only encouraged but also necessary. Beyond academic achievements, volunteer work enhances students’ chances of securing better job opportunities. Companies often prioritize candidates with practical experience, and participating in volunteer activities, such as internships or free work, provides valuable hands-on experience.

Why do some people do volunteer work all over the world?

  • In addition to being altruistic, some volunteers can indeed benefit from their service in various ways. For example, they may have the opportunity to travel the world as part of their volunteer work. Many of these travel experiences are sponsored by big foundations or organizations, allowing volunteers to explore different parts of the world while helping people in need. Some volunteers may also be motivated by a desire to assist impoverished communities, leading them to travel to remote or underprivileged areas to make a positive impact.
  • Some individuals engage in volunteer work globally due to a sense of altruism and the recognition that certain countries face challenges they cannot overcome alone. Additionally, there are volunteer opportunities that offer incentives, such as the chance to travel while contributing to community development. This enriching experience allows volunteers to meet new people, enhance their resumes, and derive personal satisfaction from making a positive impact worldwide.


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