IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 : First Day at School
IELTS Speaking Part 2 – First Day at School
Describe your first day at school that you remember
You should say:
- Where the school was
- How you went there
- What happened that day
- And how you felt on that day
I moved to our new house back in 2002 and because of that, I had to change school. I was in the third year of high school at the time, and it was a different environment – a different place entirely. It was a 15-minute walk after the bus stop so in total half an hour’s commute.
I was the first person to enter the room – first impression -, and it was surprisingly quiet. I was used to a very small school before, one that only had two sections for high school. Now, there were eight sections, and I was placed in the third section – not the smartest, but not too bad either. I was there, feeling quite nervous, as my classmates are starting to arrive and I didn’t know them at all.
But then, someone called out to me, and I recognized a friend from elementary school. That made things a bit better since I knew at least one person. As time went on, two other transfer students joined us. In high school, transfers tend to stick together – it’s all about survival and forming your own group. So, the group of us transfer students, who were complete strangers, formed our own little cell group.
Gradually, we started getting to know the other students. It was quite intimidating because some of them looked like the trouble-making type or the kind you wouldn’t want to mess with – there were definitely a few bullies. It was a terrifying day for me.
However, looking back now, That particular first day is what stands out in my memory. Over time, those initially scary people became long-time friends. I was just 15 then, and these friendships lasted well into my late twenties. My friend and I often reminisce about the first day of our third year in high school. It’s truly fascinating how my first impression of them evolved. Interestingly, in my cell group, one person is still a friend, but the other has faded from my life. And those people who initially frightened me? They ended up being a part of my life for almost two decades.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 – First Day at School
1. What would parents prepare when their kids go to school on the first day?
The first thing to do is to prepare your child for the times they’ll be alone with other people. Teach them to follow the lead of authority figures, like school staff, right from an early age. Let them know that during these moments, these are the people they should listen to and follow, as it’s for their own benefit.
Another important aspect is that children have different personalities. It’s crucial to ensure that your child gets along with others, while maintaining a clear boundary – neither harming them nor allowing harm to come their way. This is a lesson I’ve shared with my own child, emphasizing the importance of understanding and cooperation in these situations.
2. How do children socialize with each other?
When it comes to children socializing, the easiest way for them to start is through play. Playgrounds or playpens are usually where it all begins. You can observe how a child behaves in these situations – whether they are controlling or dominating, whether they initiate interaction or approach other groups. It’s not always straightforward; there will be times when children have chats or discussions. Some kids have no concept of personal space, so they might just take things without hesitation. But that’s okay – it’s part of the process of socializing.
If a child tends to grab things and play on their own most of the time, they might end up being socially distant because other kids won’t join in. On the flip side, if a child is playful and willing to share, they’re more likely to engage socially with others. Parents generally prefer to let their kids play with children who are more open to sharing and interacting.
3. Is socialization important for children?
Absolutely, it’s incredibly crucial. One of the key factors that greatly influence adulthood is the ability to socialize effectively. During one’s younger years, if there are difficulties in socializing, research indicates that it can significantly impact adult life. Individuals who struggle with socializing as children often tend to be aloof or socially awkward. This stems from not being able to take part in simple social gatherings during their formative years. As they grow up, they might lack the foundational understanding of how normal and civilized interactions work.
Speaking from my personal experience, I can provide an example of this. I faced challenges in socializing during my childhood, which has continued to make it difficult for me to interact with others as an adult.
4. What are the reasons for a job change?
First, the grass is greener on the other side, especially given the state of the economy. Loyalty to a single company isn’t as prevalent as it used to be. Nowadays, even if someone is deeply committed to a company when a better offer comes along, they’re more likely to consider changing jobs. If we look back at the past five decades, people often remained in one job simply because it was one of the few available options at the time. However, the landscape has evolved significantly, with numerous startups launching and establishing themselves each year. This has expanded the range of job opportunities available.
One significant factor driving job changes is the desire for better prospects – the allure of a greener pasture. The job market has diversified to the point that there’s a high likelihood of finding multiple job options. While other factors, such as work environment and experience, also play a role, the pursuit of better opportunities remains a central driving force behind career changes in today’s dynamic economy.
5. Are big companies better than small companies? Why?
Sometimes, opting for a larger company is better, especially if you’re in your mid-40s and have ample experience. Being a part of a big company means you could focus on one thing only and that leads you to focus on your designated tasks without going the extra mile. There’s a certain degree of stability in such environments because these companies can function independently, with or without your presence. Personally, that’s something I value.
On the other hand, working in a smaller company can be more beneficial for those who are eager to gain a variety of experiences. In these settings, you have the chance to delve into various areas such as accountancy, marketing, and customer services due to the overlapping responsibilities that often occur in smaller teams. This is particularly advantageous for individuals seeking a broader skill set. So, whether you lean towards big or small companies, the choice ultimately rests with you.
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages coming along with changing jobs?
One significant advantage of changing jobs is that it often boosts your confidence in seeking better opportunities. As you make these transitions, you become more assured in your ability to secure improved positions in the future. Frequent job changes make you more comfortable and inclined to demand better compensation, having successfully navigated this process multiple times. Moreover, a major benefit of this practice is that it expands your professional network. Personally, I believe one of the most positive indicators of career success is when headhunters actively reach out to you.
However, there are notable disadvantages to frequently changing jobs. Consider your personality, for instance. Sometimes, your colleagues might develop negative sentiments towards you if your reason for changing jobs is related to your attitude. In such cases, your behavior could lead to the accumulation of enemies and negative feedback. Another downside is that if your personality doesn’t align with the culture of the company you’re leaving, you might leave behind a trail of adversaries.
Another drawback is the need for constant adjustment, particularly in terms of meeting new people. This can be challenging, especially if you identify as an introvert. This aspect might pose a considerable struggle for you.
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Ian Tanpiuco – Virtual Assistant, Educatorian, and IELTS Rizz Tutor. Ian’s goal is to enhance his students’ IELTS scores through a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on understanding rather than mere memorization.