IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Staying Up
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Staying Up
1. What does it feel like the next morning if you stay up late?
I’ve become accustomed to this lifestyle since I tend to work late, usually until around two in the morning, and sometimes I’ll sleep around 3:00, waking up at 8:00. The first two weeks were really tough; I struggled to get out of bed and even to take a shower. But after about a month, I got used to it, and it became my routine. My work usually spans about four hours, giving me enough time to sleep, although it’s not a continuous stretch. After waking up at 8:00, I’ll work until, let’s say, noon, then I’ll sleep again until 4:00 in the afternoon. It’s what some might call a broken or flexible schedule, but I’ve adapted to it.
2. What do you do when you stay up late?
Mostly work, and sometimes, after finishing work, I decide to just relax. I’ve had the experience of being so exhausted after a long day that I shouldn’t immediately lie down and sleep. Sometimes, I need to extend myself, yes, I’m tired, but I try to relax to the point where my body isn’t firing up synapses in my brain. Staying up late when exhausted can lead to vivid dreams, often nightmares. So, after staying up late, I usually take a short 30-minute break to browse or read a book before going to sleep.
3. Did you stay up late when you were a kid?
Rarely, because during my childhood, we had limited electricity usage. We weren’t allowed to turn on the electricity until around midnight. I remember my mom using a small lamp, and since it was very hot, you had to sleep early. I’d usually be in bed by 8:00 when I was young, but as I got older, I stayed up later.
4. Do you often stay up late?
Yes, because of my work. Some might suggest why not do it only on weekends, but the issue with that is your body constantly adjusts. After starting this job, I decided to maintain this routine consistently, even on weekends or holidays, so my body doesn’t keep readjusting. It became much more effective after about three months, and now, in my fourth month, I’m doing fine, but I have to be careful about my health too.
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Ian Tanpiuco – Virtual Assistant, Educatorian, and IELTS Rizz Tutor. Ian’s goal is to enhance his students’ IELTS scores through a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on understanding rather than mere memorization.