IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Social Media

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Social Media

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Social Media

1. When did you start using social media?

I started using social media when I was around 15 or 16, during the time of MySpace and Friendster. Back then, it wasn’t a big issue if you were below 18, so it was interesting to explore social media. You had fewer friends online, and that was okay. Now, everyone has their own following and social media channels, which is quite different. I remember Friendster being similar to Facebook, where you could post directly on someone’s wall. Then, Facebook came along and changed the game by allowing users to play games and eventually became a hub for ads. I also remember when Facebook and YouTube didn’t have any ads, but now they’re filled with them.

2. Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

I spend around 10 to 16 hours a day on social media, which is probably too much, but it’s part of my job. I handle the social media accounts of my boss, so they don’t have to spend a lot of time online. I manage about five to six accounts regularly, which takes at least 40 minutes per account. My job involves engaging, posting, and checking trends. It can get a bit boring once you’re familiar with it because you keep seeing the same things, but it’s still a job nonetheless.

3. Do your friends use social media?

Surprisingly, most of my friends don’t use social media. They’re not very tech-savvy and live in what feels like the Stone Age. Although they have smartphones, they don’t post much. They mainly use social media for messaging. It’s rare to see them post anything; sometimes, they might change their profile picture once a year, but it usually reverts to the original. Their accounts often look like they were created by bots—plain usernames, grayscale images, or cartoon characters. It’s interesting to see how little they engage with social media.

4. What do people often do on social media?

In my circle of friends, social media is primarily used for communication. However, for my job, social media is an income generator. It allows people to generate leads based on who likes their posts. With Meta’s Lead Center, users go through a sales funnel, and after liking something, they start seeing ads for related items. Eventually, they might purchase the item, and the person who posted it could earn a commission. So, social media has shifted from being purely social to being heavily commercial.

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