IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Pen and Pencil

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Pen and Pencil

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Pen & Pencil

1. Do you usually use a pen or a pencil?

Neither, actually. For the past 5 to 7 years, I haven’t used a pen or pencil much. If I need to jot down notes, I rely on voice memos. Although I have some pens and pencils in my drawer or on my desk, I rarely use them. I use my computer’s notepad or sticky notes for most information. If I do use a pen or pencil, it’s usually out of boredom, just to play with in my hands, but I rarely jot down notes with them.

2. Which do you use more often, pen or pencil?

A few years back, I used pens more often because of my job. I prefer pens despite the possibility of making mistakes because I can always use correction fluid. Pencils remind me of being a child, constantly erasing, dealing with smudges, and sharpening them, which is annoying. The last time I used a pencil was in high school with a mechanical pencil that frustrated me because the graphite kept breaking. Since then, I only use pencils for exams when required, otherwise, I choose pens.

3. When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?

The last time I bought a pen or pencil was about two months ago. I bought a pencil for my daughter and a pen for myself, just to have on hand. Sometimes you need to jot down notes quickly, and your computer isn’t available. I usually use a Sharpie because it’s more reliable; pens tend to jam when dropped. That’s the last time I bought a pen or pencil.

4. What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present?

It’s actually a compliment. About 10 years ago, a student gave me a very expensive pen, and it became a thing. It’s a good gift for a teacher: useful and impressive. I still have four pens in my drawer from students who bought them for me. They remind me of those students, and I appreciate the gesture.


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