IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Celebrity News

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Celebrity News

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Celebrity News

1. Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?
2. What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?
3. Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?
4. Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?
5. Would you like to be a famous person in the news?

1. Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?

There’s a particular celebrity in my country, [insert name], whom I initially didn’t like. I perceived him as a household name and, in my opinion, somewhat overrated. The constant buzz surrounding him felt cringy to me, especially since I hadn’t seen any of his work. During that period, I harbored a dislike for him.

However, curiosity got the better of me one day when I had nothing else to do, and my family was watching something featuring him. It turned out to be my first exposure to his work, and to my surprise, he was an incredibly effective actor. His performance resonated with me, and I realized why he had such a massive fan base. It was a moment of revelation, and I couldn’t help but become a fan myself.

This experience taught me not to judge someone based on preconceived notions. Sometimes, you need to see a person’s work before forming an opinion. I can now say that [insert name] is one of my favorites, and I’ve become a believer in his talent.

2. What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?

Although I rarely watch TV and keep up with the news, national elections worldwide often become a topic of discussion. In China, there’s international coverage, especially during election seasons in various countries. Politicians from the United States and other parts of the world are frequently featured. Additionally, celebrities are a common sight during such times.

What’s particularly interesting is the emergence of entrepreneurs like Elon Musk in mainstream media. Musk, for instance, has been increasingly visible in TV interviews, and I’ve come across numerous podcasts and interviews featuring social influencers. It’s intriguing to observe these influencers transitioning from their social media platforms to mainstream TV. They showcase articulate communication skills during interviews, sparking controversy and discussions afterward.

3. Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?

When I watch or have the opportunity to watch the news, often I don’t like to pay attention. I would say that I still have less control in my life, and watching the news tends to become very overwhelming. Like my grandfather said to me, ignorance is bliss sometimes. Avoiding attention, especially regarding famous people, would actually be more beneficial than the disadvantage of focusing. Or there’s more disadvantage than benefit in that. So, I tend not to pay attention. If there is something critical in our area, then we will focus. But if it’s just an everyday thing – everyday there’s always bad news – I just don’t want to focus on these people. I prefer to enjoy and catch other news that is not related to any person but rather news in the community, weather, or sports.

4. Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?

There’s a saying that goes, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” and sadly, when it comes to the media, not everything is true. We have seen it over and over again that everything could be in a different perspective. Their version of the truth may not be the overall truth; they might focus on things that might appeal to the general population, entice people, and generate more ad revenue. However, it’s not 100% true; maybe it is embellished or a perception of the media.

In situations involving famous people, like celebrities making headlines, that’s most likely true. But in personal relationships, that could be different. For famous people in politics or other sectors, their actions might not be fully understood, and the media is just focusing on getting news that could cause controversy.

5. Would you like to be a famous person in the news?

While it might be tempting to become a well-known figure featured in the six o’clock news, I personally prefer anonymity over fame. Privacy holds significant value for me. Additionally, many news stories tend to focus on negative or scandalous aspects, which could result in me being infamous rather than truly famous.

Moreover, the more exposure someone has to the media, the more they may lose touch with reality. This can lead them to overlook the media as a valuable source of information, making them ignorant of important matters. Therefore, I would rather avoid such a scenario.


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