IELTS Speaking
IELTS Rizz – Vocabulary Day 06

IELTS Rizz – Vocabulary Day 06

IELTS Vocabulary Lesson – Day 06

IELTS Vocabulary in a Story

In a small town where emotions fluctuated like the unpredictable weather, a gregarious and garrulous old man named Albert was a harbinger of both joy and diatribe. Despite his convoluted and disparate stories, the hapless townsfolk found amusement in his facetious remarks. One day, the community decided to peruse the local library for a solution. There, an articulate librarian suggested organizing a storytelling event to captivate Albert’s attention. The idea wasn’t to capitulate to his whims but to channel his energy into positive narratives. The plan unfolded smoothly, and soon the town witnessed a transformation. Albert’s diatribes turned into engaging tales, and his fluctuating moods became a source of communal joy. The convoluted threads of his stories now wove a tapestry that united the townspeople, proving that even the most seemingly hapless situations could find resolution through creative endeavors.

Simplified Version using day-to-day vocabulary

In a little town, people’s feelings went up and down a lot, like the weather. There was a talkative and friendly old man named Albert who brought both happiness and grumbling. Even though his stories were a bit confusing and all over the place, the unlucky townspeople found his funny comments amusing. One day, they decided to check out the local library for a solution. A smart librarian suggested having a storytelling event to get Albert’s attention. The goal wasn’t to give in to his complaints but to use his energy for good stories. The plan worked well, and soon the town changed. Albert’s complaints turned into interesting tales, and his changing moods became something everyone enjoyed. His confusing stories now connected the townspeople, showing that even tough situations could get better with creative ideas.

IELTS Rizz – Vocabulary Day 06 – Details


IPA Pronunciation: ˈflʌktjʊeɪt
Etymology: Originates from the Latin word “fluctuare,” meaning to flow or surge like waves.
Usage: Often used as a verb. It means to change or vary, especially regularly and repeatedly, between one level or thing and another.
Word Family: Fluctuation (noun), fluctuant (adjective).

  • Examples:
    • The stock prices tend to fluctuate based on market trends.
    • His mood seemed to fluctuate throughout the day.
    • Prices for gas can fluctuate depending on the season.


IPA Pronunciation: ˈɡærələs
Etymology: Comes from the Latin word “garrulus,” meaning talkative.
Usage: Usually an adjective. Describes someone who talks excessively, often about trivial matters.
Word Family: Garrulity (noun), garrulously (adverb).

  • Examples:
    • My garrulous neighbor can talk for hours about her cats.
    • The professor was known for his garrulous lectures.
    • After the meeting, the garrulous coworker shared unnecessary details.


IPA Pronunciation: ɡrɪˈɡɛəriəs
Etymology: Originates from the Latin word “gregarius,” meaning belonging to a flock or herd.
Usage: Typically an adjective. Describes someone who enjoys the company of others, sociable.
Word Family: Gregariousness (noun), gregariously (adverb).

  • Examples:
    • She’s quite gregarious and loves attending social events.
    • The gregarious nature of the team made the workplace more enjoyable.
    • Being gregarious, he easily made friends in a new city.


IPA Pronunciation: ˈhæplɪs
Etymology: Originates from the Old Norse word “happ,” meaning luck or chance.
Usage: Usually an adjective. Describes someone who is unfortunate or unlucky.
Word Family: Haplessness (noun).

  • Examples:
    • The hapless traveler lost his way in the unfamiliar city.
    • Despite his efforts, he remained hapless in finding a job.
    • The hapless team couldn’t catch a break in the game.


IPA Pronunciation: ˈhɑːbɪndʒər
Etymology: Originates from the Old French word “herbergere,” meaning to provide lodging or host.
Usage: Often used as a noun. Refers to something that foreshadows a future event or serves as a sign or indicator.
Word Family: Harbinge (verb), harbingered (past tense verb), harbingering (present participle verb).

  • Examples:
    • The sudden increase in temperature was seen as a harbinger of spring.
    • The dark clouds were a harbinger of the approaching storm.
    • His success in the preliminary rounds was a harbinger of victory in the championship.
    • I’ll continue with the remaining words in the next response.


IPA Pronunciation: ˈdaɪ.ə.traɪb
Etymology: Derived from the Greek word “diatribē,” meaning a prolonged discourse.
Usage: Typically used as a noun. Refers to a forceful and bitter verbal attack or criticism.
Word Family: Diatribist (noun), diatribal (adjective).

  • Examples:
    • The politician delivered a diatribe against the opposing party.
    • Her diatribe against the new policy was passionate but not persuasive.
    • During the argument, he launched into a diatribe about his colleague’s incompetence.


IPA Pronunciation: ˈkɒn.və.luː.tɪd
Etymology: Comes from the Latin word “convolutus,” meaning rolled together.
Usage: Primarily an adjective. Describes something that is complex, intricate, or twisted.
Word Family: Convoluteness (noun), convolute (verb).

  • Examples:
    • The instructions were so convoluted that no one could understand them.
    • His convoluted explanation only added to the confusion.
    • The plot of the movie was unnecessarily convoluted, making it hard to follow.


IPA Pronunciation: ˈdɪs.pər.ət
Etymology: Originates from the Latin word “disparatus,” meaning separated.
Usage: Primarily an adjective. Describes things that are fundamentally different or distinct.
Word Family: Disparateness (noun).

  • Examples:
    • The team consisted of disparate individuals with diverse skills.
    • The two cultures had disparate traditions and customs.
    • The study compared disparate groups to analyze the impact of different factors.


IPA Pronunciation: fəˈsiː.ʃəs
Etymology: Derived from the Latin word “facetia,” meaning wit or jest.
Usage: Mainly an adjective. Describes behavior or remarks meant to be humorous or amusing, often inappropriately so.
Word Family: Facetiously (adverb), facetiousness (noun).

  • Examples:
    • His facetious comments lightened the tense atmosphere in the room.
    • She made a facetious remark about the absurdity of the situation.
    • The teacher appreciated the student’s facetious sense of humor during class.


IPA Pronunciation: pəˈruːz
Etymology: Comes from the Middle English word “perusen,” meaning to use up.
Usage: Typically a verb. Means to read or examine carefully and thoroughly.
Word Family: Perusal (noun).

  • Examples:
    • I’ll take some time to peruse the documents before making a decision.
    • She perused the bookshelves, searching for an interesting novel.
    • Feel free to peruse the menu while I grab us a table.


IPA Pronunciation: ɑːˈtɪk.jə.lət
Etymology: Comes from the Latin word “articulatus,” meaning distinct or jointed.
Usage: Can be both an adjective and a verb. Describes someone who expresses thoughts clearly and coherently.
Word Family: Articulateness (noun), articulation (noun), articulately (adverb).

  • Examples:
    • The professor was articulate in explaining complex concepts.
    • She could always articulate her ideas in a way that everyone could understand.
    • The candidate’s articulate responses impressed the interview panel.


IPA Pronunciation: kəˈpɪt.jʊ.leɪt
Etymology: Derived from the Latin word “capitulare,” meaning to draw up in chapters.
Usage: Mainly a verb. Means to surrender or give in, often under specific conditions.
Word Family: Capitulation (noun).

  • Examples:
    • Faced with overwhelming odds, the army chose to capitulate.
    • The negotiations reached a point where one party had to capitulate.
    • Despite initial resistance, the company eventually had to capitulate to market demands.

Idiomatic Expressions – IELTS Vocabulary

Get a taste of your own medicine

Meaning: Experience the same negative situation or treatment that one has inflicted on others.

  • Examples:
    • After years of teasing his colleagues, he finally got a taste of his own medicine when they played a prank on him.
    • The boss had to do all the paperwork himself to get a taste of his own medicine after making his assistant do it for months.
    • When the overly critical reviewer received harsh feedback on his own work, he finally understood what it was like to get a taste of his own medicine.

It’s a piece of the pie

Meaning: A share or part of something, often referring to success, wealth, or opportunity.

  • Examples:
    • Landing the new client was just a piece of the pie in the company’s overall growth strategy.
    • Graduating from college is a piece of the pie; the real challenge begins when you start your career.
    • Winning the tournament is a significant piece of the pie, but consistent hard work is necessary for long-term success in sports.

Take it with a grain of salt

Meaning: Listen to or accept information but with a degree of skepticism or caution, as it might not be entirely accurate or reliable.

  • Examples:
    • When reading online reviews, it’s essential to take them with a grain of salt, as opinions can be subjective.
    • His story sounded exaggerated, so I decided to take it with a grain of salt until I could verify the details.
    • The news anchor cautioned viewers to take the breaking news reports with a grain of salt until more information was confirmed.

You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs

Meaning: Achieving something significant or making progress often involves making sacrifices or facing challenges.

  • Examples:
    • Starting a new business is challenging, but you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs; risks are part of the entrepreneurial journey.
    • The scientific breakthrough required years of hard work and failed experiments, proving that you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.
    • Pursuing a dream career may involve leaving a comfortable job; sometimes, you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

Out of the frying pan into the fire

Meaning: Escaping from a bad situation only to end up in an equally or even more challenging one.

  • Examples:
    • Quitting the stressful job without a new opportunity lined up felt like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire when financial difficulties arose.
    • Escaping a toxic relationship turned out to be out of the frying pan into the fire, as the next partner was even more controlling.
    • The political leader’s decision to leave the current administration seemed like a good idea at first but turned into out of the frying pan into the fire when public criticism intensified.

Phrasal Verbs – IELTS Vocabulary

Bring down

Meaning: Reduce or cause to fall, often used in the context of decreasing prices, lowering morale, or causing the downfall of someone or something.

  • Examples:
    • The government’s economic policies aim to bring down inflation and stabilize the economy.
    • The unexpected news seemed to bring down the team’s spirits just before the championship game.
    • Scandals and controversies can bring down even the most prominent political figures.

Take up

Meaning: Begin or start a new activity, hobby, or occupation.

  • Examples:
    • After retiring, she decided to take up painting as a way to express her creativity.
    • The opportunity to take up a leadership role in the organization was too good to pass up.
    • Many people use their free time to take up a sport or learn a musical instrument.

Break up

Meaning: End a relationship or friendship, or cause something to separate into smaller pieces.

  • Examples:
    • They decided to break up after realizing they had different life goals.
    • The company’s expansion plan led them to break up the project into smaller, more manageable tasks.
    • Breaking up with a long-time business partner can be emotionally challenging but necessary for personal growth.

Get over

Meaning: Recover from a setback or emotional distress, move past a difficult situation, or overcome obstacles.

  • Examples:
    • It took her a while to get over the disappointment of not getting the job, but she eventually found a better opportunity.
    • Getting over a breakup can be tough, but surrounding oneself with supportive friends can help.
    • The team needed time to get over the defeat and refocus on their goals.

Look out for

Meaning: Be vigilant or watchful for something, often used in the context of being aware of potential dangers or opportunities.

  • Examples:
    • When traveling in a new city, it’s essential to look out for pickpockets in crowded areas.
    • The experienced hiker advised the group to look out for signs of changing weather during the mountain trek.
    • Look out for job openings in your field and be proactive in applying for opportunities.

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