IELTS Speaking
IELTS Rizz – Vocabulary Day 02

IELTS Rizz – Vocabulary Day 02

IELTS Vocabulary – Lesson Day 02

IELTS Vocabulary in story

In a vibrant cityscape, Alex, a vicarious music enthusiast, was known for his zealous pursuit of new sounds. His tenacious spirit led him to a local concert venue where the cacophony of instruments exemplified the diversity of musical expression. Being an astute observer, Alex noticed how the band intentionally juxtaposed various genres, demonstrating a pragmatic approach to creating a unique sonic experience. Their articulate execution showcased a mastery of blending styles, and this astuteness resonated with the benevolent artist he encountered. The two decided to capitulate to their shared vision, circumventing conventional boundaries to organize a groundbreaking music festival.

With a tenacious plan in place, they navigated challenges, articulating a harmonious celebration that exemplified the power of pragmatic creativity. The festival became a haven for those who lived vicariously through the performances, appreciating the benevolent spirit that could circumvent differences and unite diverse communities. In this story, the city echoed with the juxtaposition of melodies, and the legacy of this musical endeavor articulated the boundless possibilities when zealous hearts collaborate with tenacity and benevolence.

Simplified Version using day-to-day vocabulary

In a lively city, Alex, a passionate music lover, was known for eagerly exploring new sounds. His determined spirit took him to a local concert venue where the mix of instruments showcased the diversity of musical expression. Being a keen observer, Alex noticed how the band intentionally combined different genres, showing a practical approach to creating a unique sonic experience. Their skillful execution demonstrated a mastery of blending styles, and this awareness resonated with the kind-hearted artist he met.

The two decided to embrace their shared vision, going beyond traditional boundaries to organize an innovative music festival. With a solid plan in place, they faced challenges, creating a harmonious celebration that highlighted the power of practical creativity. The festival became a haven for those who lived through the performances, appreciating the kind spirit that could overcome differences and bring together diverse communities. In this story, the city reverberated with the blend of melodies, and the legacy of this musical endeavor showcased the limitless possibilities when passionate hearts collaborate with determination and kindness.

IELTS Rizz – Vocabulary Day 02 – Details

1. Vicarious:

– IPA Pronunciation: vɪˈkeəriəs
– Etymology: From Latin “vicarius,” meaning substitute or deputy.
– Usage: Often used as an adjective, describing experiencing something through others. For example, “I had a vicarious thrill watching the concert through her videos.”
– Word Family: Vicariously (adverb), Vicariousness (noun)
– Examples:
– “I live vicariously through his travel stories.”
– “She enjoys vicarious success through her children’s achievements.”
– “Reading allows us to have vicarious adventures.”

2. Zealous:

– IPA Pronunciation: ˈzɛləs
– Etymology: From the Greek word “zelos,” meaning ardor or zeal.
– Usage: Typically an adjective expressing great enthusiasm or passion. For instance, “She is zealous about environmental conservation.”
– Word Family: Zealously (adverb), Zealousness (noun)
– Examples:
– “He’s a zealous supporter of local businesses.”
– “She approached her work with a zealous dedication.”
– “Their zealous response to the project was impressive.”

3. Tenacious:

– IPA Pronunciation: təˈneɪʃəs
– Etymology: Derived from the Latin word “tenax,” meaning holding fast.
– Usage: Adjective describing persistence and determination. Example: “His tenacious attitude helped him overcome many obstacles.”
– Word Family: Tenaciously (adverb), Tenacity (noun)
– Examples:
– “The tenacious climber reached the summit despite the challenges.”
– “She’s known for her tenacious work ethic.”
– “Their tenacious pursuit of the goal inspired others.”

4. Exemplify:

– IPA Pronunciation: ɪɡˈzɛmplɪˌfaɪ
– Etymology: From Latin “exemplum,” meaning example.
– Usage: Usually a verb, meaning to illustrate or demonstrate something. For example, “Let me exemplify the concept with a real-life scenario.”
– Word Family: Exemplification (noun), Exemplifies (3rd person singular present)
– Examples:
– “To exemplify the importance of teamwork, he shared a personal experience.”
– “The project exemplifies the company’s commitment to innovation.”
– “Can you exemplify how this theory applies to our situation?”

5. Cacophony:

– IPA Pronunciation: kəˈkɒfəni
– Etymology: From Greek “kakophonia,” meaning harsh sound.
– Usage: Noun referring to a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. Example: “The cacophony of traffic and construction echoed through the city streets.”
– Word Family: Cacophonous (adjective)
– Examples:
– “The classroom was filled with a cacophony of excited chatter.”
– “Amidst the cacophony of the city, he found solace in nature.”
– “The cacophonous clash of instruments signaled the beginning of the concert.”

6. Juxtapose:

– IPA Pronunciation: ˈdʒʌkstəˌpoʊz
– Etymology: From Latin “juxta,” meaning near, and “ponere,” meaning to place.
– Usage: A verb describing the act of placing things side by side for contrasting effect. For instance, “The artist chose to juxtapose light and dark colors in the painting.”
– Word Family: Juxtaposition (noun), Juxtaposes (3rd person singular present)
– Examples:
– “The author cleverly juxtaposed humor with serious themes in the novel.”
– “The photograph juxtaposes urban development with untouched nature.”
– “Juxtaposing these two images highlights the stark differences.”

7. Pragmatic:

– IPA Pronunciation: præɡˈmætɪk
– Etymology: From Greek “pragma,” meaning a thing done.
– Usage: Adjective describing a practical and realistic approach. For example, “In business, a pragmatic strategy often leads to success.”
– Word Family: Pragmatically (adverb), Pragmatism (noun)
– Examples:
– “Taking a pragmatic stance, they focused on solutions rather than problems.”
– “His pragmatic decision-making style earned him respect in the team.”
– “Being pragmatic in negotiations often leads to mutually beneficial outcomes.”

8. Articulate:

– IPA Pronunciation: ɑrˈtɪkyəlɪt
– Etymology: From Latin “articulatus,” meaning distinct, jointed.
– Usage: Primarily an adjective, describing the ability to express thoughts clearly and coherently. For instance, “She is known for being articulate in public speaking.”
– Word Family: Articulately (adverb), Articulateness (noun)
– Examples:
– “The professor was articulate in explaining complex concepts to the students.”
– “Being able to articulate ideas is crucial in professional communication.”
– “She was articulate about her opinions during the debate.”

9. Astute:

– IPA Pronunciation: əˈstjuːt
– Etymology: From Latin “astutus,” meaning crafty or shrewd.
– Usage: An adjective, describing someone who is sharp, clever, and perceptive. Example: “His astute observations led to a breakthrough in the investigation.”
– Word Family: Astutely (adverb), Astuteness (noun)
– Examples:
– “An astute investor recognizes profitable opportunities early on.”
– “Her astute analysis of the situation impressed the team.”
– “Being astute in business can be a valuable asset.”

10. Benevolent:

– IPA Pronunciation: bəˈnɛvələnt
– Etymology: From Latin “benevolentia,” meaning goodwill.
– Usage: Adjective conveying kindness and goodwill. For example, “The benevolent gesture of helping a neighbor shows community spirit.”
– Word Family: Benevolently (adverb), Benevolence (noun)
– Examples:
– “Benevolent leaders strive to improve the lives of those they serve.”
– “A benevolent act, no matter how small, can make a significant impact.”
– “His benevolent nature earned him the trust and respect of his colleagues.”

11. Capitulate:

– IPA Pronunciation: kəˈpɪtʃəˌleɪt
– Etymology: From Latin “capitulare,” meaning to draw up in chapters, arrange conditions.
– Usage: A verb indicating surrender or yielding under specific terms. Example: “Faced with overwhelming odds, the army chose to capitulate rather than face further losses.”
– Word Family: Capitulation (noun), Capitulates (3rd person singular present)
– Examples:
– “The negotiator refused to capitulate to unreasonable demands.”
– “In certain situations, it may be wise to capitulate for the sake of peace.”
– “The country decided to capitulate, ending the conflict.”

12. Circumvent:

– IPA Pronunciation: ˌsɜrkəmˈvɛnt
– Etymology: From Latin “circumvenire,” meaning to come around.
– Usage: A verb indicating the act of avoiding or bypassing a problem or obstacle. For instance, “She tried to circumvent the traffic by taking a different route.”
– Word Family: Circumvention (noun), Circumvents (3rd person singular present)
– Examples:
– “To save time, they found a way to circumvent the bureaucratic process.”
– “Smart planning can help circumvent potential challenges in a project.”
– “He successfully circumvented the issue by finding an alternative solution.”

IELTS Vocabulary : Idiomatic Expressions and Phrasal Verbs

1. Don’t cry over spilled milk:

– Meaning: Don’t waste time worrying about things that have already happened and cannot be changed.
– Examples:
– I forgot to save my document before the computer crashed, but I guess I shouldn’t cry over spilled milk.
– You missed the train? Well, don’t cry over spilled milk; let’s find another way to get there.
– Losing the game was disappointing, but there’s no use crying over spilled milk.

2. The ball is in your court:

– Meaning: It’s your turn to make a decision or take action.
– Examples:
– I’ve done all I can to help you with the project; now, the ball is in your court.
– The job interview went well, and now the ball is in their court to make an offer.
– You’ve been given all the information needed, so the ball is in your court to decide.

3. It’s not my cup of tea:

– Meaning: It’s not something I’m interested in or not something I enjoy.
– Examples:
– Watching horror movies is not my cup of tea; I prefer comedies.
– Joining a book club is nice, but reading classic literature is not my cup of tea.
– Playing sports has never been my cup of tea; I’d rather engage in artistic activities.

4. The early bird catches the worm:

– Meaning: Being proactive and starting early leads to success.
– Examples:
– I always wake up early to study because, you know what they say, the early bird catches the worm.
– Getting to the office before everyone else – the early bird catches the worm!
– Plan your work ahead; remember, the early bird catches the worm.

5. Don’t judge a book by its cover:

– Meaning: Don’t form opinions about someone or something based solely on appearance.
– Examples:
– She may seem reserved, but don’t judge a book by its cover; she’s actually very friendly.
– The old car may not look fancy, but don’t judge a book by its cover; it runs like a charm.
– That quiet student surprised everyone with outstanding talents; truly, don’t judge a book by its cover.

6. Break down:

– Meaning: To fail or collapse.
– Examples:
– Unfortunately, the negotiations with the client started to break down.
– My car suddenly broke down on the highway; it was a complete surprise.
– The computer system might break down if we don’t address these issues.

7. Look forward to:

– Meaning: To anticipate or eagerly await something.
– Examples:
– I look forward to meeting you in person during our upcoming business trip.
– She looks forward to the weekends when she can relax and unwind.
– We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the proposal.

8. Carry out:

– Meaning: To perform or execute a task or plan.
– Examples:
– The team will carry out the project according to the established timeline.
– It’s essential to carry out the instructions precisely to ensure accurate results.
– The company is planning to carry out a thorough review of its processes.

9. Hold on:

– Meaning: To wait or pause.
– Examples:
– Hold on for a moment; I’ll be with you shortly.
– Can you hold on a second? I need to grab something from my desk.
– The customer was asked to hold on while the representative checked the information.

10. Turn out:

– Meaning: To result in a particular way.
– Examples:
– Despite initial concerns, the event turned out to be a great success.
– We weren’t sure how the experiment would turn out, but the results were promising.
– It’s always interesting to see how things turn out in the end.

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