IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Plants

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Plants

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Plants

1. Do you keep plants at home?

As a child, we had a lot of plants at home, but I don’t have a green thumb. Whenever I plant something, it dies. Most of the plants I have at home are plastic. During the COVID pandemic, I bought a few flowers and plants and enjoyed watering them, but they died after three weeks. After that, I decided not to buy real plants anymore because it’s just a waste of money for me. So, we mostly have plastic plants at home.

2. What plants did you grow when you were young?

As a child, I learned to plant onions, garlic, and tomatoes. My mom would give me a plant cutting and expect me to root it, but I didn’t have the patience to check the soil’s nutrients. I would just stick it in the ground and hope for the best, but they usually died, which was frustrating. I also learned how to do grafting, splicing two plant parts to create a hybrid. I know how to do it, but I lack the patience, and they always die after a few weeks.

3. Do you know anything about growing a plant?

I know a lot about growing plants, like the importance of soil nutrients and nitrogen. Nitrogen is crucial for plant growth, and nitrogen-based fertilizers revolutionized farming. Even though I know these things, I don’t have the patience to apply them. Growing plants involves many tasks that are too complicated and time-consuming for me.

4. Do Chinese people send plants as gifts?

Yes, plants are a popular gift for housewarming parties. I remember my family being invited to a housewarming, and my wife bought a couple of plants for the party. She got a large vase of flowers and plants, which was quite expensive. It’s not something you would give on a daily or weekly basis, but it’s a nice gesture for special occasions.

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